No Roy, You are confusing us blondes with Yanks!
>At 09:34 20/10/98 -0400, you wrote:
>>I have had 3 more bows die in the last 24 hours. I have NO idea why. I
>>saved the partially chewed on carcasses and to my very untrained eye there
>>is nothing apparently wrong with them other than they are dead....
>>Just for edification... my PH is between 7.0-7.1 during the day. I use UV
>>sterilization. My water chemistry is 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate. I
>>use CO2 for plants, and fertilize with Kent freshwater plant stuff..... I
>>do a 25% water change weekly and clean the filters every month. I have not
>>had a fish die in a long time let alone 7 in the last 2 weeks.
>>One thing similar is all the fish that died I did get from Roy before he
>>left for OZ. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience
>>with the same fish.
>>The only other thing I have done recently to my tank is a slight change in
>>some of the plants where I removed a bunch of ugly over grown plants and
>>did a huge gravel cleaning... (much more than usual).
>>I would appreciate any comments on this.