Re: [RML] Whats the deal

Jennifer Palmer (aquamail at
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 15:43:25 +1000

I have had die off as a result of a mass cleaning before. Noteably only
when the water became so turbid you couldnt see front to back. I wonder if
a large amount of bacteria present in the water or possibly ingested can
cause a problem. Small amounts eaten durring feeding are fine but a
gutfull???? what if the detritus had absorbed some sort of toxin or maybe
some plant food??? Rainbows are not real smart and will eat things they
shouldnt. Are they not compared to blondes??

Roy Hunter

At 09:34 20/10/98 -0400, you wrote:
>I have had 3 more bows die in the last 24 hours. I have NO idea why. I
>saved the partially chewed on carcasses and to my very untrained eye there
>is nothing apparently wrong with them other than they are dead....
>Just for edification... my PH is between 7.0-7.1 during the day. I use UV
>sterilization. My water chemistry is 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate. I
>use CO2 for plants, and fertilize with Kent freshwater plant stuff..... I
>do a 25% water change weekly and clean the filters every month. I have not
>had a fish die in a long time let alone 7 in the last 2 weeks.
>One thing similar is all the fish that died I did get from Roy before he
>left for OZ. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience
>with the same fish.
>The only other thing I have done recently to my tank is a slight change in
>some of the plants where I removed a bunch of ugly over grown plants and
>did a huge gravel cleaning... (much more than usual).
>I would appreciate any comments on this.