These species were those that I wanted to hold. Thanks
--- In r_m_l at, Gary Lange <rainbowfish4u2 at y...> wrote:
> Hope you've picked the right blue-eyes to live in brackish water
because probably <most> do not do well in brackish water. (1.013 sg
or greater). Ross river signifers, some of the other "large"
signifers, of course cyanodorsalis but for the others you're really
putting them under a lot of stress if you're putting them into salt.
Not exactly a great way to keep them going.
> gary lange
> christian_vanbelle <christian.vb at l...> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm about to set up a 100 l tank to hold some blue-eyes and gobies
> who are living in brackish water.
> I wanted to know the plants who are living in such conditions in
> Australia.
> Thanks for helping me
> Cheers
> Christian