Last sunday I went to the Berlin aquarium with my kids and saw their new brackish tank. They had Microsorum pteropus in it, as well as young mangrove shoots (Avicennia sp.). Fish were Pteriophtalmus sp., Stigmatogobius sadanundio, and Etroplus maculatus. There were also some small crabs. Very interesting tank by the way, with a small mud bank and in which they simulate small waves and tides.
As far as I know, Microsorum occurs in PNG. So does Cryptocoryne ciliata, which also grows in brackish areas. About Australia, I am not so sure.
Every now and then, there is a shop here in Berlin which offers young mangrove shoots but I suspect they are difficult to cultivate.
Best wishes,
r_m_l at schrieb am 10.03.05 07:30:18:
Hi everyone,
I'm about to set up a 100 l tank to hold some blue-eyes and gobies
who are living in brackish water.
I wanted to know the plants who are living in such conditions in
Thanks for helping me