>Yep. It is well known on the Aquatic Plants Digest, for stopping algal
>transfers. It kills all algae, but does minimal plant damage if done
>Start with standard 5+% sodium hypochlorite solution (ordinary Chlorox o/e)
>and dilute it again by 19 parts water to one of bleach.
>Tougher plants, like Anubias (the plastic plant that grows) can take a 3
>min. bath in the stuff without serious damage. More tender plants may need
>1-2 min. down to about 30 seconds for really frilly delicate plants, like
>Rinse carefully, and maybe even hit with some dechlor (hypo) before putting
>with fish, if in doubt.
>I seriously doubt if any myco would survive such treatment.
I know Malaysian live-bearing snail can survive 200 ppm chlorine treatment,
and Myco seems to be more persistent than snails?
Adrian R. Tappin
Brisbane, Australia.
"Home of the Rainbowfish"