[RML] chlorinating tanks & 'sterilizing' plants

Deanne Gaskill (d.gaskill at qut.edu.au)
Thu, 24 Jun 1999 14:36:39 +1000

Thanx for the advice Andrew re chlorine as a gas & to Adrian re the
reminder about fumes affecting other tanks. I plan to sterilize the
hospital tank this weekend & can take it outdoors to do so.

Hugo, you asked about disinfecting plants from the pet shop - I asked Steve
Pyecroft about this - his suggestion was: use a solution of Condy's
crystals (sodium permanganate) till it's a faint pink. He said it knocks
the plants around a bit at first but they recover.... Doubt that it would
be effective against myco though.

My remaining rainbows are still OK despite worrying about them while I was
OS for a week ie after the trauma of the myco diagnosis - the 2 parkinsoni
remain with pinkish gills & the surviving praecox (from 5) isn't showing
anything yet, despite concentrated exposure to it's highly contagious (&
autopsied) mates. Yes, I know - it's only a matter of time!!