Re: [RML] my rainbows & myco

Adrian Tappin (atappin at
Sun, 13 Jun 1999 07:12:17 +1000

At 10:12 12/06/99 +1000, Bruce wrote:
>I assume that your chlorine source produces 650 mgm of available chlorine
>per Kg of powdered salt (whichever one you have) so to sterilise you would
>add 1Kg of your powder to 3 litres of water if my limited maths is correct.
>if you check back through the archives of the RML there was a thread some
>time back on this subject and an American Vet quoted a source which
>advocated using al;cohol after the chlorine treatment to rinse out the tank
>as well.


I Kg in 3 litres of water will rot the roof of your house. I assume you have
brought a container of 65% Calcium Hypochlorite from a pool supplier or

I just throw in 2 level capfuls per 200 litres water! Usually the containers
have a cap that is about 3 inches in diameter?


Adrian R. Tappin
Brisbane, Australia.
"Home of the Rainbowfish"