Re: [RML] my rainbows & myco

Deanne Gaskill (d.gaskill at
Sat, 12 Jun 1999 23:48:53 +1000

Thanx for your sentiments & advice Bruce. I do, of course, have the option
of euthanising the whole tank full of rainbowfish et al but can't bring
myself to do it just yet - so for the moment, it's effectively a quarantine
tank - nothing else goes in & nothing comes out (that's alive, ie). I've
read the article you've referred to (it's excellent) & following the
chlorine treatment for the hospital tank, will spray it with ethanol. Deanne

>It is a very difficult "bug" to eradicate - you have my sympathy
>Bruce Hansen, A.N.G.F.A., Advancing Australian Aquatics.
>Bruce Hansen, ANGFA, caring for our aquatic ecosystems.
>Please visit us at
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Deanne Gaskill <d.gaskill at>
>To: <rainbowfish at>
>Sent: Saturday, 12 June 1999 13:39
>Subject: [RML] my rainbows & myco
>> > . I have bought some
>> pool chlorine to sterilise the hospital tank & all cleaning equipment
>> (although it could be too late for the other community tanks). If the
>> sterilising dose is 200ppm or 200mgm per litre could somebody advise how
>> much chlorine (labelled as 650g/kg) I should use per litre. Thanx in
>> advance. Deanne