Re: [RML] wounds in fish, mycobacteriosis

Bruce Hansen (bruceh at
Wed, 2 Jun 1999 08:45:47 +1000


Bow to the inevitable - get your Praecox biopsied and you'll know for sure.
They were all raised together - almost certainly in overcrowded conditions
and infected there but have eventually succumbed to the disease as their
immune systems have run out of reserves,


Bruce Hansen, A.N.G.F.A., Advancing Australian Aquatics.

Bruce Hansen, ANGFA, caring for our aquatic ecosystems.

Please visit us at

----- Original Message -----
From: H. Hoekstra <hugo at>
To: Bruce Hansen <rainbowfish at>
Sent: Wednesday, 2 June 1999 3:49
Subject: Re: [RML] wounds in fish, mycobacteriosis

> Hello,
> Suddenly one praecox developed 1 popeye overnight. What do you think,
> mycobacteriosis, or could it be something less serious. Particulary the
> eye 'lid' seems swollen and white. If it's injury it could be because they
> try to steal the algae pellets from the Plecostomusses under their wood,
> who don't like that. It's not the kind of 'clean' popeyes I saw before,
> so please advise me.
> Best regards,
> Hugo Hoekstra