Re: [RML] Cold tolerance

Bruce Hansen (bruceh at
Thu, 12 Jul 2001 07:03:39 +1000

G'day $2

See you tomorrow nite. I have M. monticola and M. mcCullochi (Etty Bay)
outside here at Lawnton, just north of Brisbane. I just measured the temp
and it is 14C (58F) and we seem to be having 10-20 C days with some morning
air temps down to 2C.

I have a few Gertrudaes from Kennedy Ck (near Cardwell) - are you interested
in a swap in summer??

Bruce ( Hansen )
vicepresident - ANGFA Inc (
- ANGFA (Qld) Inc (

----- Original Message -----
From: "Graeme Finsen/Be Sharp-Rentacomputer" <finsen at>
To: <rainbowfish at>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 8:22 PM
Subject: [RML] Cold tolerance

> Wow!!! Isn't the RML quiet.
> Lets warm things up with some questions:
> What is everybody out there in RMLand experiences with the cold tolerance
> Blue-eyes and rainbows