[RML] shipping eggs by post

Tyrone Genade (12860379 at narga.sun.ac.za)
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 08:33:41 +0200

Hi all

I have to ship eggs to Portugal of my rubrostriata. A few weeks
back I experimented with a mop and the fish. I spawned them for a
day (didn't get many eggs as they were in the main tank with half a
dozen other fish). I removed the mop, wringed it 'dry' and then
popped it into a plastic bag. After a week the eggs were still fine. At
10 days a few eggs had disappeared. At 14 no eggs were left.

Would this damp mop method work for long distance travel. From
experiance, shipping eggs laiden mops in a bag of water never
yielded any results when coming my way.

Any comments?

Tyrone Genade
AKA 08248
tyronegenade at yahoo.com
P450 Research Lab, Lab 134, Dept. Biochemistry
University of Stellenbosch, Republic of South Africa
Ph.: +27-021-808-5876; Fax: +27-021-808-5863
"Everything works for good for those who love The Lord"
Romans 8:28