Re: [RML] shipping eggs by post

Adrian Tappin (tappin at
Wed, 21 Feb 2001 06:13:22 +1000

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At 08:33 AM 20/02/01 +0200, you wrote:
>Hi all
>I have to ship eggs to Portugal of my rubrostriata. A few weeks
>back I experimented with a mop and the fish. I spawned them for a
>day (didn't get many eggs as they were in the main tank with half a
>dozen other fish). I removed the mop, wringed it 'dry' and then
>popped it into a plastic bag. After a week the eggs were still fine. At
>10 days a few eggs had disappeared. At 14 no eggs were left.
>Would this damp mop method work for long distance travel. From
>experiance, shipping eggs laiden mops in a bag of water never
>yielded any results when coming my way.

Yes, it should work better than shipping it with water. Providing the mop
and eggs remain moist they should survive. I would inflate the bag either
with air or oxygen?

Use some form of express post/transport so that you get them to their
destination as soon as possible. I have had eggs survive 7-9 days using
this method.

Sometimes you can 'protect' the eggs by dipping the mop in a methylene
blue/water mixture before ''drip drying'.


Home of the Rainbowfish
Selected for inclusion in the National Library of Australia
digital archive of Australian online publications (Jan. 1998)

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At 08:33 AM 20/02/01 +0200, you wrote:

Hi all

I have to ship eggs to Portugal of my rubrostriata. A few weeks
back I experimented with a mop and the fish. I spawned them for a
day (didn't get many eggs as they were in the main tank with half a
dozen other fish). I removed the mop, wringed it 'dry' and then
popped it into a plastic bag. After a week the eggs were still fine. At
10 days a few eggs had disappeared. At 14 no eggs were left.

Would this damp mop method work for long distance travel. From
experiance, shipping eggs laiden mops in a bag of water never
yielded any results when coming my way.

Yes, it should work better than shipping it with water. Providing the mop and eggs remain moist they should survive. I would inflate the bag either with air or oxygen?

Use some form of express post/transport so that you get them to their destination as soon as possible. I have had eggs survive 7-9 days using this method.

Sometimes you can 'protect' the eggs by dipping the mop in a methylene blue/water mixture before ''drip drying'.


Home of the Rainbowfish
Selected for inclusion in the National Library of Australia
digital archive of Australian online publications (Jan. 1998)
