RE: [RML] what fish are there in the Eden, NSW area

Matthew Stanton (matthews at
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:19:03 +1100

I have been renewing my permit every year for the last 5 years. I typically
take very few specimens and only use hand nets and bait traps so perhaps
they don't think I am worth the trouble.

As acting secretary of our own AC&EC I have been told by fisheries that they
don't require AC&E approvals for people to sample fish. Thus any projects
that come before our own committee that have fish sampling don't require an
approval for that part of the project. The Ag Dept. agreed with them.
Maybe they have changed their tune in the last six months! I'll give them a
call and check next time we have a fish project come in!

I never said that complying with the law was the easy option.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: peter.unmack at ASU.Edu [SMTP:peter.unmack at ASU.Edu]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 1:28 PM
> To: 'rainbowfish at'
> Subject: RE: [RML] what fish are there in the Eden, NSW area
> On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Matthew Stanton wrote:
> > small fee. If you are using non standard methods such as fine nets then
> you
> > will need a scientific collecting permit which is available from the
> >
> > This is free but will take a few weeks.
> Don't know when you last applied for a permit, but mine cost $100, and
> then
> you need to have an animal ethics permit too which costs another $100 plus
> all
> the paperwork, plus the ethics committee only meets every so often. I
> believe
> this is standard now for everyone in NSW.
> Cheers
> Peter Unmack