[RML] Tampa Bay Events

Mr. Fish (mrfish at ix.netcom.com)
Tue, 08 Feb 2000 02:08:04 -0500

The Tampa Bay Aquarium Society presents Randy Carey, noted author,
speaker and aquarist, speaking on "the Art of Characins", February 14th
2000, at the Florida Aquarium in Downtown Tampa. The meeting starts at
7 PM. In addition to the talk by Carey, the Society, which meets the
second Monday of every month, features an auction of fish, plants,
equipment and other fishy related equipment. Aquarium keepers of all
ages and skill levels are invited to attend. Admission is free.
Randy Carey, who is flying in from Minnesota especially for this
occasion, is a noted specialist in Tetras and writes a column for
Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine.
The Tampa Bay Aquarium Society regularly sponsors talks by speakers of
note. The March meeting will feature Belgian aquarist Henri DeBruyn,
talking about his collecting fish in the wilds of Florida. In June,
Trey Clark, one of the country's leading experts on goldfish will be
Other aquatic events coming up in the near future: The American
Killifish Association in conjunction with the Suncoast Killifish Society
is having their Annual Convention in Tampa on Memorial Day weekend.
The St. Petersburg Cichlid Association has two major events coming up.
First on their schedule, Stephen Rybicki, noted Angelfish breeder from
New York will be flying in to speak at Lakewood High in south St.
Petersburg on March 25th. Secondly, on April 29th, the club will hold
an all cichlid show at the Lakewood High location.
For more information all all the above events see our web page at:
http://www.aka.org/tbas/tbas.html. Or call Mike Jacobs at 727 867-6140.
Please pass along this information to all our fishy friends


Mr. Fish
