Re: [RML] chequered rainbows etc
Deanne Gaskill (d.gaskill at
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 10:41:24 +1000
Thanx for your informed response Bruce - I'll have a closer look at the
fins as you suggest. I wondered if my note would be confusing. The 2 M.
splendida inornata have never associated with the other 'myco infected
tank' & are still in a c'ty fish environment. So I'm talking 2 different
tanks. Just wondered if I should try my luck with more rainbows in this
c'ty environment or remove them into a 3rd tank with other types of
rainbows ie new purchases. Deanne
>My suggestion is maintain the status quo - the dominance of one male is
>perfectly normal in these fishes. As long as the other is not getting
>damaged and is getting enough food to stay in good health then it is
>acceptable. Occasionally in this species (M. splendida inornata there occurs
>a form of female that has better than usual colour as well as square fins
>but they aren't as large or pointed as normal males.
>> I have 2, what I think are male chequered rainbows that came as a
>> 'community tank package' about 20 months ago - they began my interest in
>> rainbows. One of them has always chased the other & is now nearly a third
>> larger. I will be stripping down this 4' tank, ie changing the filter
>> system & type of fish soon & would like advice re my options