Re: [RML] chequered rainbows etc

Bruce Hansen (bruceh at
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 08:33:33 +1000

Hello Deanne

Although your tank has been bowling along OK generally it seems obvious to
me that you have sensibly treated it as likely to be still populated with TB
carriers although in quiescent activity at present and through sensible
management practices it may stay that way. At least you have had the
enjoyment of the tank and the inhabitants thus far.

Obviously rainbows aren't the only fish that are carriers so all the others
in the tank are suspect too. If you add new fish it may upset the "balance'
or it may add new pathogens (perhaps even new strains of TB) I'm afraid
only you can decide what your priorities are with the tank. And as you say
the seasonal increase in temp may upset the "balance" also.

My suggestion is maintain the status quo - the dominance of one male is
perfectly normal in these fishes. As long as the other is not getting
damaged and is getting enough food to stay in good health then it is
acceptable. Occasionally in this species (M. splendida inornata there occurs
a form of female that has better than usual colour as well as square fins
but they aren't as large or pointed as normal males.

I presume that the product you mention is some sort of "tea-tree oil"
adapted for aquarium use. I know the dermatologists are doing a roaring
trade in skin conditions due in some part to the speculative use of this
substance in humans. Many rainbows and blue-eyes come from areas where
melaleucas grow and obviously there could be some admixture of these
compounds to the habitat waters. Whether they have any beneficial (as in
"blackwater tonic" for Amazon fishes in aquaria) effect on Australian fishes
I am unable to say. Equally I am unable to attribute any deleterious or
beneficial effects on fish dideases.

Bruce Hansen
president at
Please visit us at

----- Original Message -----
From: "Deanne Gaskill" <d.gaskill at>
To: <rainbowfish at>
Sent: Sunday, December 12, 1999 7:33 PM
Subject: [RML] chequered rainbows etc

> I have 2, what I think are male chequered rainbows that came as a
> 'community tank package' about 20 months ago - they began my interest in
> rainbows. One of them has always chased the other & is now nearly a third
> larger. I will be stripping down this 4' tank, ie changing the filter
> system & type of fish soon & would like advice re my options

> My final question relates to a product called "MelaFix" - my local pet
> brought it to my attention. It's derived from the melaleuca/tea tree plant
> & is marketed by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals for most bacterial & fungal
> infections.