Re: [RML] New Bedotia described - paper attached

Christophe Mailliet (christophe.mailliet at
Fri, 23 Sep 2005 09:31:17 +0200

Ooops... Sorry Andrew and all others who got this and did not want to! Will do as suggested in the future. Best regards, Christophe

r_m_l at schrieb am 23.09.05 00:19:23:

Hi Christophe (and everyone else),

this is a really important topic, agreed. Please do not send attachments
to the RML list. We have a web page at that you can upload a file to and
then send the URL (from memory everyone gets an email whenever a file is
uploaded - I could be wrong there).

Best regards, Andrew

Christophe Mailliet wrote:

>Hello everyone,
>Attached the description of Bedotia albimarginata which I have just received.
>It appears that this species was formerly known as B. spec. "Vondrozo".
>Christophe Mailliet
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