really). She is allergic to Aloe Vera, and
>this is an ingredient in many
>commercial dechlorinators now.
Yes, I am allergic (or at least, sensitive) to aloe! It always make me
itchy. And it seems to be in EVERYTHING these days...sigh.
I put some Prime on one leg, and Aquasafe on the other, and so far, no
rash or itching. I'm wondering if the skin needs to be broken? (I
always have a lot of little abrasions on my hands). Noticed a patch on
my leg (not where I put the chemicals), so something systemic is going
on here, altho my hands are definitely getting the worst of it. Wish I
knew what was causing this. Went to the Dr. months ago and she said
eczema/atopic dermatitis. I even went to the accupuncturist---nothing
has helped. But I did notice that keeping my hands out of the tanks
helped---I tried not cleaning them for 2 weeks, and I saw a definite
I even tried eliminating certain foods---nada.
"I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say that I
finally won out over it."
---Elwood P. Dowd