RE: [RML] Myco inquiry

Julie Zeppieri (bowluvr at
Tue, 06 Sep 2005 19:45:19 -0700


Aging water does not remove chloramines. You are correct in this.

As for the allergy, it may be a protein or a chemical produced by one/some
of your live plants. IF you have any that is. Many allergies also develop
over time. I have a moderately serious bloodworm allergy. I get reactions
even by working in tanls where they have been fed to the fish the day

If you use bloodworms (NOT to be confused with blackworms or tubifex BTW --
bloodworms always come freeze-dried or frozen, the others come live), then
this may be a cause.

I think carbon will help since many allergies are caused by organics and
carbon adsorbs organics from the water. Use a high quality brand, and not
"charcoal" whihc is still sometimes sold and is usually cheap and shiny.
Carbon is dull and spendier. Change it frequently, and use it in the tank
itself rather than to condition new water. The tank is where your allergen
lies, not the tap water. Use a dechlorinator on your tap water, as per the
dosage others have already recommended. I always use extra (3 drops per
gallon, minimum) since one never knows when the water company will add extra
chlorine/chloramine to the system. They do this w/out warning, and more
often than one would think.

Good luck!
Julie <'><

>From: fiestacranberry at
>Reply-To: r_m_l at
>To: r_m_l at
>Subject: RE: [RML] Myco inquiry
>Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 13:07:48 -0700
> >If you can find it, get some sodium
> >thiosulphate (I'm told photographic places
> >might have it, or any
> >university chemistry supply place)
>I have a photographer friend---I can ask him.
> >If you know you have chloromines then
> >add two drops per gallon.
>Yes, San Francisco just started using them last year.
> >Of course, if that is what you are allergic
> >to then it won't help you any.
>I just don't know. I used the Aquasafe for years with no problem, so
>I'm thinking it's something else in there. It's so bad, that I actually
>get a rash on my LIPS from starting the siphon! I haven't added any
>different plants to the tanks.
> >My guess is that you don't have the space
> >to age your water?
>Nope. I have 7 tanks, and will soon be moving in with someone who has a
>bunch of tanks, too! Besides, I don't think aging will take care of
>chloramines, will it?
>"I wrestled with reality for 36 years, and I'm happy to say that I
>finally won out over it."
> ---Elwood P. Dowd