Re: [RML] temp tolerance
Dave Wilson (rwilson at
Fri, 15 Sep 2000 04:51:41 +0930
from collecting in the places where they live all the time I can't remember
ever going to a place where the temperature was below about 22 deg C.
They always seem to be in the rivers and billabongs on the coastal
floodplain where it is warmer. I have heard of a patch in the Moil River
(south west of the Daly River) but generally you don't see them west of the
Adelaide River then to the East across Arnhem Land. I have no experience
any further east maybe a Queenslander can help with the minimum
temperatures in the Gulf of Carpentaria and Cape York areas. It would be
my guess that it would become diseased if kept below about 22 deg C for any
length of time. I caught a one meter long beauty in Coroboree Billabong
on Tuesday while fishing for Sleepy Cod (Oxeleotris selheimi)
Dave Wilson
In Darwin where it is starting to get really warm (36 deg C the other day)
>G'day folks
>Do any of you have any experience regarding the lower temperature tolerance of
>Scleropages jardinii? I suspect they will go down to 15oC, but don't really
>know. I have a friend here who wants to put them in a greenhouse that get's
>down to ~13oC.
>Peter Unmack