Re: [RML] Rainbow fry and 24 hour light?
Jack Betz (betz_jw at
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 18:39:05 -0500
Nothing I can't live with. Mostly on the glass until enough java moss grows
to use up available nutrients. I grow A LOT of (and throw away frequently)
java moss in my fry tanks which have sponge filters, and the display tanks
are heavily planted with under gravel filters and burrowing snails. A few
pond snails here and there, but mostly the cone shaped (malaysian?)
burrowing type. If the tank is not planted, it gets a handful or two of java
moss when setting up. If I do get hair or beard algae in the fry tanks, I
just throw that clump of moss away and replace with new. The tanks usually
stabilize with about 1/2 the volume filled with moss, at which point the
moss growth greatly slows down. I don't keep the tanks too clean, don't
change water too frequently, feed twice a day, keep the temp down (74F).
-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Mastbergen <Mastberc at>
To: 'rainbowfish at' <rainbowfish at>
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 1998 10:52 AM
Subject: RE: [RML] Rainbow fry and 24 hour light?
>Jack do you have much of a problem with algae?