Re: [RML] Rainbow fry and 24 hour light?

Andrew Boyd (andrew at
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 11:53:05 +1100 (EST)

On Mon, 26 Oct 1998, Chad Mastbergen wrote:

> Hello all,
> I head recently that rainbow fry needed continous light, when they are
> being raised. I found this hard to belive. I was wondering what everyone
> thought of this.

Hi Chad, I am no expert, but on the face of it, 24 hour light makes little
sense to me. Why would one want to? To force growth, perhaps? This is a
dodgey proposition at best, and I think better undertaken with continuous
drip-feeding of very young fry rather than light.

Maybe they are afraid of the dark? Nope, can't be that.

With some Cichlids, when they are tending their fry (which is never a
problem with Rainbows, they either eat them or don't eat them, most do eat
them though if given half a chance) it is a bad idea to turn lights out
too quickly, as the parents may panic and eat the fry.

I think you need to ask yourself why anyone would want to raise fish in
24-hour light. I can't think of a good reason myself, though I am
naturally open to suggestions as to why one might want to do this.

Cheers, Andrew

andrew at

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