Announcing the 1999 NANFA Annual Meeting
August 5 (evening), 6 (meeting & lunch), 7-8 (collecting), 1999
Jumer's Castle Lodge
Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
1) Talks about native fishes in various NANFA Regions to be given by NANFA
Members to include:
Peter Unmack
Jeff Fullerton
B.G. Granier
Ray Wolff
(Additional talks will be scheduled, contact Elmer Guerri, if you are
interested in making a presentation about native fishes in your region.)
2) Spawning habits of darters and minnows - videotape presentation by Larry
Page - Illinois National History Survey.
3) Breeding the Phoxinus by Jim Sternburg - Champaign Illinois.
4) Captive Propagation of native fishes - darters, minnows, killies,
sunfishes by Ray Katula, Genoa, Wisconsin.
5) Freshwater Mussels of the Midwest - Interesting role of native fishes as
hosts in the life cycle of mussels.
6) Photographing Native Fishes by Phil Nixon - Tolono, Illinois. Attempts
will be made to assemble a panel of NANFA Member native fish photographers and
samples of their work.
7) Nongame fishes identification workshop, including laboratory work and
utilization of identification keys (specifically relating to Illinois species
likely to be encountered during the collecting trips).
8) Endangered Species and Collecting Regulations in Illinois - Illinois DNR.
(Other talks and presentations will be scheduled as they are confirmed.
Contact Elmer Guerri with any request or suggestions).
Banquet and Auction - Friday or Saturday night Auctioneer, Phil Nixon. (Casper
Cox and B. G. Granier are in charge of obtaining auction items and door
Native Fishes Displays - Tanks will be available at the Illinois Natural
History Survey under the auspices of Larry Page and some of his students.
Attendees should contact Elmer Guerri if they intend to bring native fishes
for display or trade.
July 7-8 Collecting Trips - Two sites will be visited for field study and
1) The Mackinaw River Region near Bloomington in the Illinois River
2) The Middle Fork of the Vermillion River near Oakwood, just west of
Danville in the Wabash River Watershed.
Both locations include a great diversity of Percidae, Cyprinidae,
Centrarchidae, and other game and nongame species.
More information about registration fees and hotel reservations will be
distributed as it becomes available. Watch this E-mail list, NANFA's Web page,
or American Currents for updates.
The 1999 NANFA Annual Meeting is being organized by Elmer Guerri, 8401 North
Lakewood Place, W. Terre Haute, Indiana 47885, (812) 535-1230,
MARC1230 at Please direct any inquiries to him.
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