Re: [RML] breeding

Merlin (merlin at
Thu, 15 Oct 1998 08:28:53 +1000

Praecox breed like rabbits (or better) from a very young age indeed. As
Adrain wisely pointed out, best not to let them breed at too young an age.

The good news is they are very easy to sex <g>


At 11:52 14/10/98 -0400, you wrote:
>As a new comer, I have a basic question (but after all the encouragement you
>gave Shamus here in the last little while I decided to ask it anyway) :-)
>At what age/size would my praecox be ready to breed? I have some juveniles
>(from a good source) of various sizes in a community tank. I'd like to breed
>them in a separate tank, but I wonder if I should wait until they get
>larger. So at what size would they be sexually mature?
>Michael Eckardt
>"As if you could kill time without injuring eternity." Unknown
merlin at
Sysop Merlin's Cave BBS. Ph: Canberra, Aus. 02 6291 0305
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"I am a stag of seven tines;
I am a wide flood on a plain;
I am a wind on the deep waters;
I am a shining tear of the sun;
I am a hawk on a cliff;
I am fair among flowers;
I am a God who sets the head afire with smoke."