I have never had a sudden die off of fish due to a different diet.
However, from a personal standpoint, if I haven't had a Big Mac in a
while and then eat 3 in three days, I have felt like dying !
From: Larry Stein[SMTP:lstein at his.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 1998 6:04 AM
To: rainbowfish at pcug.org.au
Subject: [RML] whats up
Has anyone had the experience where fish die for no reason? All of a
sudden I lost a few fish for absolutley no reason I can identify.
I was wondering if its possible for fish to die if there diet is
slightly. I had some live brine shrimp and fed it to them and 3 fish
in the following 3 days... I have not fed the fish live food on a
basis but they have had it before.