RE: [RML] M. pierucciae requirements
Boulet Stephen-CSB046 (csb046 at
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 17:27:54 -0500
>Stephen>>I have seen them only once here in Oz. The owner said he heard from the>breeder that they were more susceptible to all diseases especially TB, >just like the other Triton Lakes rainbowfishes.>>He says water changes are very important.
I think I may be in somewhat of the same situation; some of the fish had
ulcers and bloody streaks on the body. I've quaranteened any fish that
looked at all symtomatic.
(I don't know if this will help, but I'm trying to treat the 2 fish infected
with maroxy2 and 1 tablespoon epsom salt/gallon).
The other fish look fine, and I guess the important thing is to get eggs
quickly. They are neat fish, though.
>>Regards,>Bruce.[snip]>>I just got a hold of about 10 M. pieruccaie (rescued from a cichlid >keeper,>>who was kind enough to get them for me from Europe :), and I'd like to>>find out more info about maintaining them, especially water quality and>>diet.