Re: [RML] Algae problems

HH (Harro.Hieronimus at
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 00:36:11 +0200

Y Jasperson schrieb:
> Hi there everyone
> Are there any effective means to get algae from off the walls of an
> aquarium without scratching up the glass and poisoning my fish? I have
> some new tanks and I do not want to scratch the sides of the glass.
> They are heavily planted and algae is a constant problem. I have been
> away for 3 weeks and have come back to an onslaught of algae.
> Someone told me to use a credit card and scrap it along the walls - but
> somehow it causes scratches. Ages ago I used one of those green 'Scotch
> Guard' things and found that it leaves scatches over time, so I have
> stopped using them as well. What do you experts do if you have the
> problem??
> Cheers - Yolonde
Buy one or two young (up to 1.5") Ancistrus (bristlenose catfish) - that will
help immediately.

Best regards

Harro Hieronimus, Solingen, Germany
harro.hieronimus at

No fish - no fun