Hope this helps
Bruce Hansen, A.N.G.F.A., Advancing Australian Aquatics.
Bruce Hansen, ANGFA, caring for our aquatic ecosystems.
Please visit us at http://www.ozemail.com.au/~fisher/angfa.htm
-----Original Message-----
From: aquapet at webtv.net <aquapet at webtv.net>
To: rainbowfish at pcug.org.au <rainbowfish at pcug.org.au>
Date: Monday, 5 October 1998 4:58
Subject: Re: [RML] Help! Worms
Hi Carvi:
><<<<Are you sure they are attached to
> the fish?>>>>
Yes. They seem to be attached to the fish. That's how I noticed them.
The fish is rubbing against the plastic plants and air hose.
><<<<I suggest a water change and
> vacuuming the gravel a bit.>>>>
I did a 25% water change and cleaned the gravel the night I noticed
them. The fish seems to be ok. (other than the scratching) He is
eating ok. Friday night I put Jungle Parasite Guard in the tank. I
just hope I don't lose the fish.
I have been distressed over this problem. I have never had to treat any
of my tanks for any problems.
Thanks to everyone for your help!