Re: [RML] Help! Worms

Jack Betz (betz_jw at
Fri, 2 Oct 1998 14:11:19 -0400

Sorry, missed the part about them being attached to the fish! My worm things
stay on the glass or bottom. The only worms I've gotten attached to fish
were from some killifish I brought back from Maryland. Nasty! Killed
everything that was exposed to them. Medications did not help, but chlorox
did the trick.
-----Original Message-----
From: aquapet at <aquapet at>
To: rainbowfish at <rainbowfish at>
Date: Thursday, October 01, 1998 9:27 PM
Subject: [RML] Help! Worms

Hello Everyone:

I'm normally a lurker here. I have a problem that I hope some of you
experts can help.

I have these tiny worm like things in my 55 Gallon tank. They are very
short, (probably about 1/8") look like hair, and move! The tank was
established two years ago. The only new introduction was a couple of
snails from a friends tank. I put the snails in about a month ago. I
only had them in there for one day and changed my mind and gave them
back to my friend.

What should I do? I usually do weekly water changes, but I did skip
last week. Should I do a major water change? Are there any additives
that will kill these things and not the fish? They also seem to be
attached to the fish. Will they harm the fish?
