[RML] Rainbow Breeding stock and tanks - SE QLD
Danny Brown (admvet at primus.com.au)
Sun, 30 Oct 2005 22:47:40 -0000
I am halving my rainbowfish collection to work only on those species
that need help so I have available the following breeding groups (5-8
adult fish in each)
: M.rubrostriata, M.parkinsoni, M.herbertaxelrodi, R.ornatus (seary's
ck Red), M. pierrucia, C.bleheri, C.fasciata (Mamberamo and Lake
Wannam), M. kamaka, M.papuae.
Each group $20 regardless of number or species or $180 the lot.
Also spawning rearing setup 4 x 2.5 foot tanks split lengthwise, 2 x
2ft tanks, 1 x 4 foot split into 4 sections, 1 x 3 ft split into 3
section . All on solidly built stand. $250 OR the whole lot (tanks and
Fish $400).
Danny 0754387067