Re: [RML] Microsorium brassii

Johannes Graf (J.Graf at
Fri, 28 Oct 2005 14:32:00 +0200

Hi All,
additionally to those Microsorum species described, there is another one existing in very few numbers. It is adwarf form called "angustifolium" (I am pretty sure that the validity of this name has never been checked). It is a extremly slowly growing, small form or species with dense, oblong leaves of about 5mm with and about 5-8cm lenght. But very beautiful. Like other forms of Microsorum ("Windelov") it has a critical mass when dividing it. If you make the pieces too small, it dies.
Best regards, Johannes

r_m_l at schrieb am 28.10.05 10:26:03:

Hi All,

If you can't get M. brassii, you might want to try Bolbitis heteroclita, a nice fern that supposedly also occurs on New Guinea. Here in Germany, there is also a very small form of M. pteropus with narrow leaves, that is being sold as M. pteropus "narrow leaves", which to me looks very much like M. brassii. It grows very slowly as compared to the normal pteropus.



r_m_l at schrieb am 27.10.05 16:20:22:
Claus Christensen of Tropica has noted that a great many books have Microsorum spelled incorrectly. He made a point of it because some earlier references messed it up. I think the Kasslemann (sp) book has it right this time. I'll have to get out my maps and try to figure out where all of those areas are that you mentioned. Sounds like brassii is aquatic then. That book sounds interesting. Know where I might be able to get 2-3 copies? Two to be sent to IJ for the collectors there. The one chap gets to fly all over IJ & some of Papua dropping into tiny villages in the middle of nowhere. While he's waiting for the next batch of supplies to be loaded etc., he runs down to the river and does some seining. Tough job huh :-) He has M.s rubriostratia with white anal fins, M. irianjaya with lots of dark patches on them, perhaps a M. fredrickri that is unlike anything I've really seen here. He sent me another picture last month of something that completely stumped me. He may ha
ve found his fish! When I go back :-) I think I will try and get the paperwork together this time to bring back plants. Everyone has told me that it's really tough to do and I didn't want anything that would possibly stall my process through customs. cheers, Gary Lange

Dave Wilson < at> wrote:

Leach and Osbourne, 1985 "Freshwater Plants of Papua New Guinea" pages 57 -
59 writes about Microsorium brassii (spelling from book) and lists locations
Lohiki Village, Vialala, Lae, Musgrave River, Kikori, Kwagira River, Pongani
Falls Gorge near Dareki.

There is a diagram in the book I can scan and send to you if you like. One
of the Authors of that book, Greg Leach lives here in Darwin and is a
natural resources manager in the Parks and Wildlife Service.

There is also a Microsorum grossum (Langsd. & Fisch.) S.B.Andrews (Spelling
from Parks and Wildlife Service, NT Australia checklist of NT plants) here
in the top of NT where I live but as yet I have not come across it during my
travels. I also have no idea if it is aquatic.


> Of course, after some more research, I came across the alledged PNG
> Java Fern: Microsorium brassii. It's got narrower leaves than
> Microsorium pteropus (normal Java Fern).
> However, I've been unable to find a place to purchase this M. brassii.
> I did however find "Narrow Leaf Java Fern" grown by Tropica.
> Here's a link:
> But there seems to be some discussion whether the Tropica plant is the
> same as M. brassii. Some say the real M. brassii still looks somewhat
> different and that Tropica's "Narrow" is a cultivated variant.
> So I was wondering, does anyone have M. brassii and perhaps has some
> pictures of it? So I can compare with this "Narrow Leaf" variant by
> Tropica?
> Perhaps anyone even knows if (and where) M. brassii is commercially
> available? Because if not, I'll be once again on a wild goose chase. ;)
> Greetings
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