Re: [RML] 1770

Wright Huntley (huntley1 at
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 19:54:32 -0700

Michael Eckardt wrote:

> I just love places with names like "One Tree Island" or "Pancake Creek".
> [P.S. Just in case this comes across as sarcasm, well, it was NOT what I had
> in mind.]

You should have known some of the colorful placenames in our Calif. Sierra
Nevada mountain range, before the little old ladies in tennis shoes (aka
Sierra Club) forced the map-makers at the USGS to be "politically correct."


PS. Apologies for the US-centric .sig. It's that time of year, here.

Wright Huntley, Fremont CA, USA, 510 494-8679  huntleyone at home dot com

[Applies equally to Republocrats and Demopublicans]

Way easier to whine about darkness than pull your head out of... well, that place where the sun don't shine (^_^) *** ***