Re: [RML] How many fish?
Chuck Gadd (cgadd at
Mon, 09 Oct 2000 00:07:31 -0600
Scott Davis wrote:
> I wouldn't know precisely how to quantify how many more plants, (lots are
> good...) but in addition to the fast growers (the so-called oxygenators of
> pond fame), you might want to consider emersed plants. I have had a potted
> plant (Spaths or Spathiphyllum) grow out of its tank and send runners to
An emersed growth plant will improve water quality by removing nitrates
and phosphates, but I suspect they will not add as much O2 to the water. There
will be some O2 coming from the roots, but not as much O2 as an immersed plant
will provide.
Chuck Gadd