RE: [RML] what's a sae

Merlin (merlin at
Wed, 05 Nov 1997 07:25:41 +1100

sae = siamese algae eater! :)


At 07:57 PM 04-11-97 +0100, you wrote:
>> Both the 75 and 55 have rainbows, sae's, corys, live
>>plants and pleks (and gravel and hanging outside filters) .
>Call me stupid, what are sae's??
merlin at

"I am a stag of seven tines;
I am a wide flood on a plain;
I am a wind on the deep waters;
I am a shining tear of the sun;
I am a hawk on a cliff;
I am fair among flowers;
I am a God who sets the head afire with smoke."