Re: [RML] Question re. spam mails

Subject: Re: [RML] Question re. spam mails
From: Peter Unmack (peter.lists at)
Date: Wed Nov 10 2004 - 11:35:59 CST

On Wed, 10 Nov 2004, Christophe Mailliet wrote:

> I receive 6 or 7 times more of those incredibly annoying spam mails
> since my first email to the new list, than before. I wonder if this is
> just bad luck or if others on the list have noticed the same thing since

I have never gotten any spam and I have been on yahoo now for several
years. You may check if you have anything ticked in your marking
preferences in your yahoo account. I'll bet that is what is going on.
Anytime you sing up for anything they automatically sign you up for other
crap unless you unsign it.

And don't listen to Harro as he is full of crap, but you probably already
knew that. :-) :-)


PS: sorry Harro, couldn't resist!


: Tue Jan 04 2005 - 17:37:20 CST