Re: [RML] #rml

Andrew (andrew at
Sun, 30 May 1999 12:37:35 +1000

At 05:50 29/05/99 -0500, Carvi wrote:
>At 12:39 PM 5/29/99 +1000, Andrew wrote:
>>Well, I'm here, sort of, in between making lunch and stuff.
>Well, I just keep missing folks. I'm either too late or too early. :(

I waited 3/4 of an hour, I had other stuff to do, sorry. Things intrude ;)

Getting the time thing sorted out was always the biggest bugbear.

Next week, go to

Look at the time for Sydney - this is Australian Eastern Standard Time.

Traditionally we've started #rml at around 12.30 PM AEST on a Saturday,
which works out at 22.30 Washington DC time on the Friday night.

Hope to see more of you next week.

Cheers, Andrew
andrew at

"Beware of people who dislike cats."
-- Irish proverb