Unfortunately your fish seem to be showing the earliest form of TB ulcers.
As there is no "cure" i suggest the following
1. remove all affected fish for euthanasia or treatment elsewhere as the
lesions shed organisms into the tank and other fish are at risk
2.check all tank parameters because stress of all kinds will weaken
resistance in the unaffected fish - obviously overcrowding and inadequate
water changes are high on the list of PDF's
3. keep temperatures at the lower end of desirable range
4 feed a diet richer in vegetable matter and lower in animal protein
Bruce Hansen, A.N.G.F.A., Advancing Australian Aquatics.
Bruce Hansen, ANGFA, caring for our aquatic ecosystems.
Please visit us at http://www.ozemail.com.au/~fisher/angfa.htm
----- Original Message -----
From: <Piabinha at aol.com>
To: <rainbowfish at pcug.org.au>
Sent: Thursday, 27 May 1999 0:34
Subject: [RML] wounds in fish
> hi list,
> it's good to be back from brazil (no, no rainbows down there but lots of
> other interesting stuff...).
> one of my boesemanni has developed these "wounds" where scales are missing
> and you can see the pink flesh. is this a disease or would it go away in
> time? what should i do with the poor fellow? he still eats and acts
> normally.
> tiafah,
> tsuh yang chen, nyc