Re: [RML] Sudden death

Bruce Hansen (bruceh at
Sun, 23 May 1999 09:15:24 +1000

Hello Hugo

Although i have seen and heard of TB in most species of aquarium fish, it
seems that rainbowfish are amongst the more susceptible groups. Perhaps that
is because I mix in circles where this group are highly regarded :-)

Often in communities a single species or morph will be apparently singled
out and all the individuals will die gradually without any other species
being affected apparently. It is likely that this disease often has a long
lag time between acquiring the initial innoculum and external expression of
the obvious physical changes and behaviour. While conditions are favourable
(e.g. no overcrowding, water parameters and temperature appropriate for that
species, appropriate diet etc etc) often each specimens immune system is
able to hold the disease in check. However when this changes e.g. not
enough water changes, diet, other diseases weakening the immune system,
perhaps ageing, etc etc then the TB bug is activated into pathogenicity and
eventually you have your outbreak. Remember while that outbreak is going on
the other inhabitants of the tank are possibly/probably acquiring their
innoculum for a later delayed expression of TB

Remember community collections by their very nature are often based on a
compromise of conditions and keeping techniques so these may be ideal for
some of the species but stressful for others. To avoid this carefully select
communities for similar requirements as well as temperaments.

Finally in answer to your question - in my expeience the Splendida group
seem least susceptible.


Bruce Hansen, A.N.G.F.A., Advancing Australian Aquatics.

Bruce Hansen, ANGFA, caring for our aquatic ecosystems.

Please visit us at

----- Original Message -----
From: H. Hoekstra <hugo at>
To: Bruce Hansen <rainbowfish at>
Sent: Saturday, 22 May 1999 10:57
Subject: Re: [RML] Sudden death

> Hello,
> On 21-May-99, Bruce Hansen wrote:
> >Suspect TB (Mycobacteriosis) until another answer is forthcoming - Tris
> >most susceptible to this and Goyders are more susceptible than other
> >in my experience
> I was wondering which rainbowfish species seem to be the most and the
> susceptible to mycobacteriosis?
> Also where does the praecox stand in this?
> Best regards,
> Hugo Hoekstra