Re: [RML] Sudden death

Adrian Tappin (atappin at
Sat, 22 May 1999 06:53:08 +1000

At 08:20 21/05/99 -0700, Dan wrote:
>I lost a adult M. trifasciata (Goyder river) last night. It had a darkened
>area (almost black) on one side from the tip of its snout past the eye and
>up to the start of the dorsal fin. This "triangle area" was only on the
>right side. The area followed one side of the nose stripe in a very defined
>area. The fish ate but was not real active for two days. I removed him and
>isolated it in a quarantine tank yesterday but upon inspection this am, he
>had expired.
>All others in the display tank do not exhibit any of the symptoms. I'm
>concerned about possible infection spreading to the others. Any ideas as to
>the cause of death ?

Mycobacteriosis - visit my homepage for information about this dreaded
disease. I was told last night that 4 local fishkeepers have been infected
with the human version lately, which is caused from handling infected fish
or tanks.


Adrian R. Tappin
Brisbane, Australia.
"Home of the Rainbowfish"