Re: SPAM/Re: Magazines (was Re: [RML] filtration)
Andrew (andrew at
Tue, 11 May 1999 16:19:38 +1000
At 01:42 10/05/99 +0200, Harro wrote:
>Andrew schrieb:
>> Sounds like why I stopped buying TFH :)
>> Mind you, the adverts were interesting sometimes. That, and the fact that
>> if there was a flood of Rift Lake Cichlid articles, you knew that we would
>> be experiencing another "craze" of them here in Australia in six months
>> Cheers, Andrew
>"Rift Lake Cichlids"? What is this? Kind of animal?
They were all the rage here in Australia about ten years or more ago,
Harro. That means that they should become popular in Germany any year now
:P :)
Cheers, Andrew
andrew at
"Beware of people who dislike cats."
-- Irish proverb