Re: [RML] The RML Archive... it's BAAAAAACK!

Andrew Hamilton (andrewha at
Wed, 27 May 1998 08:28:42 +0900

At 08:19 28/05/98 +1000, you wrote:
>Just when you thought it was safe to rip someone a new a***hole..... The RML
>Archive UNCENSORED: It's back, bigger, better and now referenced!
>Two years ago the RML started as a cooperative effort between Alan
>Ford and myself. It was always my intention to make the postings
>publicly available as a resource - the enormous body of knowledge (and
>spam) should be available to all who need it. Two years and several
>thousand words in the making, Peter Unmack has kindly, and at no small
>personal work-cost organised the archive in it's fully referenced and
>listed form. This is the archive as I always wanted to be able to do
>it myself. Please see
>It's all there, the joy, the heartache, the dramas! :) All the postings
>came to 5.5-odd megabytes of compressed text, which represents a huge
>investment of list-members in the list. Now this information is available
>to all who need it, thanks to Peter. I enjoin every member of the list to
>have a look back at the postings, there is something there for everyone!
>Some highlights include;
>Hi! Gordon Hides here.....Yes, the old used car dealer (one truth among the
>numerous rumours circulating) is on line. I have just waded through the
>Rainbowfish Mailing List on the Internet. I have never in my life read so
>B.S. as the stuff poured out by Peter Unmack.
>Gee! Do you think Unmack is going to have a reply? Better get ready
>Gordon (although it seems you can handle yourself). I think the rest of us
>shall sit back and enjoy the show!!;-)
>> club members, selling fish for a few cents each.
>Yeah, it's good isn't it. As a keeper it gives you the opportunity to keep
>fish that you may otherwise pass over due to price. As a breeder the 'few
>cents' you get is around what a tight arsed retailer will give you. I
>personally would rather sell or give away fish to fellow keepers than to
>Thanks for your vote of support we know you guys are right behind us. ;)
>Oops better be careful with Roy in that position <G>.
>Dianne, I am the one called rooster. In the past I also raised EMU's, and
>chickens and peacocks. I still have the latter two. Also I think being
>cocky contributes to the name as well. Peter Will probably have a different
>description than the one I gave but......
>Peter is the one true butthead on the list. Andrew (frex.. *uc*ing retarded
>example extremist... had to put the x not the e in his nic or his wife
>would kill him! :-)) Troy is the wizard (at what, well he did just get
>married) Alan... humm idunno...big wazoo maybe :-) Bruce is sometimes the
>Doc.. I think he is a physiciatrist or something like that :-) And lets see
>who else.....
>I feel that it is time to move onto more important things, like Genus
>Chlamydogobius! ;) Which everyone knows, are *far* more interesting than
>boring Rainbowfish! ;) ;)
>For some reason the adjective "lubricant" and the mention of Adrian in the
>same sentence just doesn't work Bruce..... :-P
>Aromatic warmth, brings to mind a pile of dung on the snow, freshly laid.
>It's warm, and it's aromatic.... :>(
>Its nice to see an effort made but to be honest with you the display sucked.
>The fish looked very poorly and the tanks didnt really represent appropriate
>bio-types. Other than that it wasnt bad for a bunch of old farts, good to
>see they could stop discussing politics for five minutes and actually do
>something fish related.
>> >> The great thing is you
>> >> have to be under 12 years old to keep your catch.
>>With all Alans talk about hanging around the banks of the Torrens it sounds
>>like this could be a new venue for him. :-)
>New venue? huh, come agian... It's an old stomping ground for me. And yes
>Peter I can remember some early conquests can you? Did you? is a better
>>Hey Unmack, they tell me they have a petting pond as well :-)
>> The whole proceedure sort of proceeded at snail pace ;-)
>How about afterwards Did they leave a slime trail behind?
>1. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.
>2. Patience/patients is/are a virtue.
>3. The definition of virtue is "lack of opportunity".
>The lady of the house was amused and amazed at how much catsup was put away.
>She said, oh well, it's another fish person and dismissed it at that.
>You fellas (and Julie) know that some of this is just too darn funny!
>Especially Andrews twisted humor and Bruces "I am just going to give you what
>for if you need it or not" and Adrians well Adrian is totally to hard to
>figgure out sometimes.
>Peter U is the best though, He is like the little brother that bothers you
>constantly! Sometimes you wish you could just wack him one but you fear
>Father Andrew's wrath when he gets home
>I would like to offer my condolences to the Victorian regional group of
>ANGFA. CYRUS is moving over to Victoria from WA. We in WA are extremely
>happy that he has decided to leave us! Every month he would bombard us with
>his millions of ideas for the club, most of them being hiariously ridulous.
>Prior to the committee meetings he would say that he has so many ideas that
>his head was going to explode!!
>It seems to me that a major point is being missed here among all of this
>fingerpointing and semi-namecalling (Yes, I feel that you all are getting
>very close to the "flame" lines here.).
>I guess by now that most list members will known my feelings on this subject.
>I apologize to anyone I've offended but this subject is close to my heart
>and I have been down this road before.
>ps. that Hunter is the worst speller I've ever seen.
>Unless Hunter is just stirring the pot (what are the chances?) i have to say
>that Peter is WRONG! Yes I said wrong. All of you can probably hear Peter
>pounding on his keyboard as he hammers out his reply.;-)
>Cautious is the only way to be. We Yanks are notoriously bad in that dept.
>Reform the great Royster humm... My wife tried and failed and she is a
hell of
>a lot meaner than any of you thats for sure.
>So there you have them, the Dumb Blondes of Sahul. While I love to watch the
>mock territorial antics of the Desert Goby, or the sheer magnificence of the
>Saratoga, I'm sure you will agree that it is good to take time out to watch a
>Dumb Blonde every now and then!
>{end of quotes}
>Gods bless us, one and all, and like Peter says in the preface on the
>archive page, "sometimes we even talk about fish". :)
>Thanks once again to Peter for all his work.
>Regards, Andrew Boyd
>List Co-Founder
>Andrew Boyd - andrew at -
>"Zaphod screamed a diminished fifth himself, dropped his light and sat
>heavily on the floor, or rather on a body which had been lying there
>undisturbed for around six months and which reacted to being sat on
>by exploding with great violence."
>Douglas Adams, from "Young Zaphod Plays It Safe"
Thanks Andrew for the wonderful e-mail. I had to wipe the tears from my
eyes several times.

I must say although Ive been more of a reader than a contributor I had
enjoyed the messages back and forth for the last two years. There is the
entire spectrum of personalities on this list which is accepted by all
making it an enjoyable place to be.

Anyway thanks for the email Andrew and a big thanks to Peter for spending
all that time getting the communications into order.

Andrew H