Re: [RML] Decorating those ack brackishwater tanks (fwd)

Mach T. Fukada (fukada at
Sun, 10 May 1998 07:26:30 -1000

I was considering increasing concentration of Calcium and Mg salts, Ions,
etc. Seeing that it appears that they loose Mg. I suppose it is sort of
like reverse of softening water. The end product would be much like
producing a African Lake buffer/salt mix. I need to play with it a bit...


> I'm not an expert in fish physiology, but I think the migration of water
>across the gill membrane is the problem rather than loss of salts. How would
>you raise the TDS? Are you planning on making something like a marine mix
>without the sodium chloride?

Mach T. Fukada, Web Master
fukada at
Honolulu Aquarium Society