Re: [RML] New book

Gary Lange (gwlange at
Tue, 21 Mar 2000 21:53:55 -0600

They are also available at your local Barnes and Noble.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Carter <Paul.Carter at>
To: 'rainbowfish at' <rainbowfish at>
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2000 3:53 AM
Subject: RE: [RML] New book

>Ordered the book from Amazon last night for UKP6 including delivery (1-2
>Will let you know my impressions on arrival.
>Best Regards
>>From a Springtime UK
> a new - at least outside the German language area - has been
>published: Gunther
> Schmida: Rainbowfish. A complete pet owner's manual. I don't have to
>tell you
> about the photos. They are excellent as is the text (with very few
> mistakes). A must for everybody not too experienced already (maybe
>even for
> those). The price should be 6.95 US $, it is at least available
>through Amazon.
> Best regards
> Harro Hieronimus, Solingen, Germany
> harro.hieronimus at