Re: [RML] Biotope tanks for rainbows

Dave Wilson (rwilson at
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 00:17:29 +0900


I measure the Howard River water regularly and the values stated are an
average. It is softer and cooler in the wet season. The rainbowfish
breed all year as there is always very small fry visible in the backwaters.
I think that many more rainbowfish fry survive in the late wet season and
early dry season.

Away from the permanent rivers as the dry season progresses and the rivers
and billabongs receed there are millions of fish that are left out to dry
and they eventually are used by animals that obtain their nourishment
around the drying creeks and waterholes.

If you tried to copy the natural cycle that occurs here you would have to
have warm water, dying aquatic plants and algae Sept Oct Nov, fish kills
from low oxygen levels along with the first storms in Dec and Jan then
floods Feb March, lovely plants and fat fish from april thru to August.

>In which part of the year do you measure which values?
>And, is there a correlation between Spawning-Season and water Quality?

>Do think that the variation of water quality, temperatur, food should
>be part of a biotope tank?

I think you should try keep optimum water conditions at all times. You
will never reach the water quality that exists in nature with a
recirculating system.

Dave Wilson