Re: Viruses (was [RML] unsubscribe)

C. Shamsid-Deen (csha at
Sun, 13 Jun 1999 01:50:32 -0500

Absolutely! I never open these files but it just so happens my virus
protector was on autoprotect and caught it as it came in the mailbox. Some
folks have their email programs automatically execute such files. Talk
about living on the edge...


At 01:38 PM 6/8/99 -0700, Wright wrote:
>Or those of us who know better than to open an executable (including zip)
>file from any but the *most* trusted sources. Those include .exe, .com,
>.bat, and .zip. Files containing macros, like .doc and .xls are also treated
>with great care, any more. These precautions may help until you get that
>(never-quite) up-to-date virus protector. ;-)