Re: [RML] my rainbows & myco

Deanne Gaskill (d.gaskill at
Sun, 13 Jun 1999 08:47:47 +1000

Thanx - I was having difficulty with the idea of all that chlorine,
something akin to mustard gas at that concentration. My situation is
further complicated by the fact that I'm leaving for the airport as I type,
so will c'cate again in a week. Everything comes at once, doesn't
it!!&^%$ at ##%&* Deanne

At 07:12 13/06/99 +1000, you wrote:
>At 10:12 12/06/99 +1000, Bruce wrote:
>>I assume that your chlorine source produces 650 mgm of available chlorine
>>per Kg of powdered salt (whichever one you have) so to sterilise you would
>>add 1Kg of your powder to 3 litres of water if my limited maths is correct.
>>if you check back through the archives of the RML there was a thread some
>>time back on this subject and an American Vet quoted a source which
>>advocated using al;cohol after the chlorine treatment to rinse out the tank
>>as well.
>NO, NO, NO, NO!
>I Kg in 3 litres of water will rot the roof of your house. I assume you have
>brought a container of 65% Calcium Hypochlorite from a pool supplier or
>I just throw in 2 level capfuls per 200 litres water! Usually the containers
>have a cap that is about 3 inches in diameter?
> Adrian R. Tappin
> Brisbane, Australia.
> "Home of the Rainbowfish"