Re: [RML] Madagascar Rainbows?

Bruce Hansen (bruceh at
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 15:18:33 +1000

Inconspicuus is a very frustrating litttle fish to try to maintain - they
seem to need marine or very strong brackish salinity. Some forms of signifer
will happily live in marine and breed in it, and of course cyanodorsalis
seems to do best in marine but has good tolerance to a wide range of

Also inconspicuus is also found to our north along the southern coast of
PNG - we found them well up the Kikori River but it was still stromgly

Bruce ( Hansen )
vicepresident - ANGFA Inc, ANGFA (Qld) Inc
Please visit us at

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave & Robyn Wilson" <rwilson at>
To: <rainbowfish at>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: [RML] Madagascar Rainbows?

> Peter,
> if you put Pseudomugil inconspicuus in fresh water it dies. I have
> tried a few times to convert them over. Bruce Hansen will tell you
> that I can kill them with a protein skimmer as well, but that is
> another story. They are found in the mangroves closer to the open
> sea and I havn't found any when the wet season is in progress. The
> time when there is a lot of fresh water in Darwin Harbour.
> Cheers
> Dave
> At 9:26 AM -0700 29/5/01, PETER.UNMACK at ASU.Edu wrote:
> > Also, a couple pseudomugils have some marine tolerance.