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-----Original Message-----
From: bowluvr <bowluvr at>
To: rainbowfish at <rainbowfish at>
Date: Saturday, 9 June 2001 0:22
Subject: Re: [RML] RML: "help" ?
>The same history any living creature has... its own life.
>It is not the fault of the fish that some human put its parents together in
>a breeding tank somewhere and against all odds managed to raise up this
>hybrid animal. Like Gary said, better to destroy the breeders themselves.
>;-) The fish itself has done nothing wrong other than being alive. Find
>a good home where it won't be bred and let it live. In the end, by agreeing
>to keep fish, we take on the responsibility of treating them humanely.
>Wontonly killing a creature just because of its species (or lack thereof)
>just does not seem to be the do-all or end-all of the whole hybrid issue to
>me. At least you have a grunter to eat the things, but for most of us you
>are just saying to take the fish out of our tanks and whack it against a
>wall (or other such action) "just because" and then toss it in the trash or
>compost pile. I just have trouble with that. Sorry.
>> >>but I'm just as against destroying it because of its history.
>> What history is in a hybrid compared to the history in a true species
>Julie <><
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Doug Karpa-Wilson <dkarpawi at>
>> To: rainbowfish at <rainbowfish at>
>> Date: Thursday, 7 June 2001 0:28
>> Subject: Re: [RML] RML: "help" ?
>> >>On 6 Jun 2001, at 17:48, Danny wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> With approx 100 species and possibly 100's of colour morphs
>> Why
>> >>> would anyone want to hybridise them?
>> >>
>> >>Beat me. I don't like the idea of hybridizing fish or anything at all
>> >>but I'm just as against destroying it because of its history.
>> >
>> >I think the issue is that hybrids can always be made, but never unmade,
>> >as it is in the absence of new collections everything will end up as
>> >hybrids. Also, if hybrids are backcrossed, you may end up with hybrids
>> >that get mistakenly passed off as the pure strain and then the pure
>> >will become quickly compromised because of the error.
>> >
>> >They are the thin end of the wedge.
>> >
>> >Doug
>> >
>> >Doug Karpa-Wilson
>> >1821 S. Maxwell St.
>> >Bloomington, IN 47401
>> >
>> >