Re: [RML] RML: "help" ?

Danny (reklaw01 at
Sat, 9 Jun 2001 14:05:03 +0930

Go to the Hong Kong Aquarium strip and you will see people complaining of
not being able to buy true species
because most (like 99%) are crossed and now they have nothing left to work
with its only taken them 10 years to do it how long do you think it will
take the US farms to destroy all the good ones they have because of crossing
IIve seen aussie farms lose species because of crosses Glossolepis
wannamensis is one that was nearly lost a also G multiquamatus where lost
through crossing species with wannamensis.
It should be just as easy to destroy a hybrid as it is to destroy a mutant
with a bent back or something else wrong with it..
We have a code of conduct in the SANFA and hybrid destroying is one rule
seen as important as not releasing captive fish in the wild...
Danny Walker

Aggies Aquariums Serving Adelaides Native Fish &
Amphibians Needs
(08) 8359 - 7099 ph/fax
0416-226-512 mob/SMS
reklaw01 at

-----Original Message-----
From: bowluvr <bowluvr at>
To: rainbowfish at <rainbowfish at>
Date: Saturday, 9 June 2001 0:22
Subject: Re: [RML] RML: "help" ?

>The same history any living creature has... its own life.
>It is not the fault of the fish that some human put its parents together in
>a breeding tank somewhere and against all odds managed to raise up this
>hybrid animal. Like Gary said, better to destroy the breeders themselves.
>;-) The fish itself has done nothing wrong other than being alive. Find
>a good home where it won't be bred and let it live. In the end, by agreeing
>to keep fish, we take on the responsibility of treating them humanely.
>Wontonly killing a creature just because of its species (or lack thereof)
>just does not seem to be the do-all or end-all of the whole hybrid issue to
>me. At least you have a grunter to eat the things, but for most of us you
>are just saying to take the fish out of our tanks and whack it against a
>wall (or other such action) "just because" and then toss it in the trash or
>compost pile. I just have trouble with that. Sorry.
>> >>but I'm just as against destroying it because of its history.
>> What history is in a hybrid compared to the history in a true species
>Julie <><
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Doug Karpa-Wilson <dkarpawi at>
>> To: rainbowfish at <rainbowfish at>
>> Date: Thursday, 7 June 2001 0:28
>> Subject: Re: [RML] RML: "help" ?
>> >>On 6 Jun 2001, at 17:48, Danny wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> With approx 100 species and possibly 100's of colour morphs
>> Why
>> >>> would anyone want to hybridise them?
>> >>
>> >>Beat me. I don't like the idea of hybridizing fish or anything at all
>> >>but I'm just as against destroying it because of its history.
>> >
>> >I think the issue is that hybrids can always be made, but never unmade,
>> >as it is in the absence of new collections everything will end up as
>> >hybrids. Also, if hybrids are backcrossed, you may end up with hybrids
>> >that get mistakenly passed off as the pure strain and then the pure
>> >will become quickly compromised because of the error.
>> >
>> >They are the thin end of the wedge.
>> >
>> >Doug
>> >
>> >Doug Karpa-Wilson
>> >1821 S. Maxwell St.
>> >Bloomington, IN 47401
>> >
>> >