Re: [RML] why destroy fish?

Tyrone Genade (Tgenade at
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 08:30:22 +0200

On 8 Jun 2001, at 12:46, Piabinha at wrote:

> i have a fish that i initially thought was a M. praecox but now that i got a nice group of them, i can see that it looks to be potentially a hybrid. the shape is not the high-bodied (relatively speaking) form of praecox/kamaka type but a little more slender with a bigger head, shaped sort of
like maccullochii or other more slender types. although i am not happy with it, i'm not going to destroy the poor fellow.

I have seen a praecox hybrid!
It was mixed in with a group of incisus and looked like a giant
preacox. it was less blue and had more red. I don't know if it was
crossed with the incisus by accident or design but is wasn't as
attractive as iether fish let alone attractive at all.

G. incisus seems to be used as parent in many crosses
suprisingly enough. Is Glossolepis more clodsely realted to
Melanotaenia on a genetic level than the morphologists think? I'm
really interested to see what the resident DNA analyst has to


Tyrone Genade
Southern African Killifish Society Coastal & Offshore Coordinator
AKA 08248
tyronegenade at

P450 Lab, Biochemistry Department
University of Stellenbosch, 7602, South Africa
Ph: +27-021-808-5876, fax: +27-021-808-5863

"No, the LORD has told us what is good. What He requires
of us is this: to do what is just, to show constant love,
and to live in humble fellowship with our GOD."
Micah 6:8