Re: [RML] New fishes

Dave & Robyn Wilson (rwilson at
Wed, 13 Jun 2001 06:44:31 +0930

there is also a Saw Shelled Turtle usually only found in Qld in a
small remnant population on the Escarpment in a place called
Nibldakya, Jacky Creek or the upper Katherine River NT, which is
about half a days drive past Sleizbeck. The western rainbowfish
are different and there is Aboriginal stories about a fish that
walks. The exquisit rainbowfish are on the top of the escarpment
as well as on the plain and even in the billabongs. The ones on top
of the escarpmemt have bright red lips, red fins and the ones in the
billabongs are very plain silver with yellow tails.

You need to go there.


>At 04:11 11/06/01 -0700, Peter wrote:
>>On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Bruce Hansen wrote:
>>> We, in the hobby of native fish keeping, have always felt that the South
>>> Alligator fish were very different and spectacular - different body shape
>>> and even behave a bit different too. In fact in some ways behave more like
>>> a trifasciata - prefer moving water, less flighty, keep their colour
>>> better etc , all little things.
>>One could say that about a number of rainbowfish populations in Australia.
>>:-) The few enzymes we looked at in Burdekin rainbows didn't show
>>up anything
>>unusual, although Mark Adams at the South Australian Museum will at
>>some point
>>have a very thorough look at many many enzyme systems which should somewhat
>>resolve these questions much better than we can now.
>Its interesting to note that the Burdekin R. also has an endemic
>freshwater turtle - Elseya irwini named after the Crocodile Man of
>TV fame or perhaps it was after his father who was another reptile
>freak :-)
>And you know what we rainbowfish people think about the Burdekin
>Rainbowfish even if the scientists/biologists can't make up they
>minds :-)
>I just think its important to look at the big picture even if just
>to give your own studies more food for thought and you need to look
>at the freshwater Crayfish, Shrimps and Crabs, which are also shared
>with New Guinea.
>Just think Peter you might be a grumpy old man before you have finished :-)